It’s Over. We’re Through.

I’ve had enough to drink over you.
It doesn’t matter. It’s over. We’re through.
Maybe one day we’ll be in the same room.
Without reading into everything we do.

You’ll tell your friends how I did you wrong.
I’ll get  my revenge with guitar and a song.
We’ll wonder how we ever got along.
Love and hate both feel so strong.

But I don’t want to be your enemy.
And you don’t want to be friends.
And nobody thinks we should try again.

I’m invited to parties and I ask if you’re there
My friends they all tell me that I shouldn’t care
You can’t keep me from going out anywhere.
I can’t stand to see you. The truth is, I’m scared.

I’m scared of a past I’ve been drinking away
I’m scared if I see you of what I might say
I’m scared you will leave. I’m scared you will stay
I’m scared that I’ll tell you all this one day.

But I don’t want to be your enemy.
And you don’t want to be friends.
Sometimes I get drunk and think about trying again

end too soon

i’ll be honest with you
i’m only capable of lies
i know my place and play the role
of a prince in a frog disguise

see this story ends too soon
everything fades to black
before the magic, before the kiss
before i win her back

shoulder rose

she stumbled out in front of your car
arms up wiping blood from her nose
you wouldn’t have recognized her
if it wasn’t for her shoulder rose

a little faded on older skin
you held her hand as she winced
two months later she slapped your face
and you haven’t seen her since

for a while she was a ghost
in the night, you’d think you see
you hoped for her everytime
there was a message on your machine

and through your windshield you can hear
her shouting, “watch where you’re going!”
oh the questions you could ask
you’re mostly afraid of knowing

pull the key out and open the door
you used to pray you’d find her
touch the rose that she once swore
would serve as a reminder

when it dies

there is a sound love makes when it dies
most people mistake it for a sigh
and by the time they realize
it’s all over but goodbye

and she doesn’t want to hurt him
because he looks for her to heal
she’s terrified about forever
but more afraid of how he’ll feel

when kindness could not stand for love
she confessed one night what he had known
to ease her guilt he said “go or stay,”
“either way i am alone”


here are more words i’m donating to
the waste of time i spend on you
i lower a bucket into a dust dry well
searching for some new story to tell

but all i draw is this pebble truth
i long for rumor in place of proof
some mystery to flow through my hands
at least something i can’t understand

i hope someday you’ll think of me
but you were never one for history

you are that one note sung so soft
i can’t reach, i’m always off
so i try to catch you in my song
but every time it sounds so wrong

and like a sport that children enjoy
the men who play it are destroyed
when the game is over, everyone goes home
but i am not willing to leave alone

used to believe

i used to believe
you’d hear this someday
as sure as the radio plays

i used to believe
you’d hear me someday
when i figured out what to say

i only wanted you to be happy
but i hate that you’re happy now
less than noble, so afraid
of what you’ve finally found

i used to believe
in signs i would see
that you were the one for me

i used to believe
in someday
sure as the radio plays

i’d choose wrong

look i’m not trying to waste your time
i keep reaching for words like rifles
on a battlefield – but each one empty
i will play dead…instead

poets have said it better than i
the guilt of love …never to be
i’m calling my hope like a loose dog
it’s chasing you…like i used to

given the choice, i’d choose wrong
cut off my ear to buy your song
so it’s best that you stay away
that’s all i’m trying to say