
there you sit grinning like a schoolgirl in her chair
blowing bubbles but you didn’t bring enough to share
and all i want to do is mess up your pretty hair
i wish i could do anything but stare

you make me laugh so much i start to choke
but i think i’m just part of your big joke
i carved a heart in a big shady oak
to replace the one i had that broke

so smirk and tease and drop your jaw
i’ll dance for you until i fall
and then just ask and i will crawl
you’re worth the risk to lose it all

tuck your hair behind your ear
i’ll whisper words you will not hear
and eventually you’ll disappear
but for now i’m glad you’re here


i’m only naive
that’s what i thought you’d say
i don’t know the truth
so you explain it all away

but i think you’re too special
never let them say you’re plain
don’t buy love with lying down
pleasure only shadows pain

wrap yourself in promises
a gift for someone true
and wait for love to lead him
hopelessly fallen for you


every morning i’ve stood at this open door
to watch the sun rise and reveal the empty day
train my eyes at the start of the sky
when i look for you who went away

they say i’m foolish for waiting
and hope’s a hard habit to break
they say i don’t look for you
it’s just my routine of being awake
eventually i go back inside
with excuses i have to believe
though each do i fight harder
to wait instead of grieve

this morning i won’t find you
it feels like pain to close the door
until you wrap your arms around me
you’re worth waiting for


oh my dear amanda
they’re sending me to war
and no one can remind me
what we’re fighting for

do you get these letters?
i don’t get your replies
i fear i may not write again
today i might die

i’m not good with a rifle
i’ve never swung a sword
i only hope it is the same
with the men i’m marching toward

we have to take that city
our they say our homes will fall
a man can’t choose the day he dies
only answer when it calls

oh amanda i’ll return
until then i hope you pray
for my life, for my soul
if i don’t survive the day

i must go, the battle’s starting
i can hear the cannon’s sound
but darling, if you get this letter
i mailed it from that town

such a thing as love

how does the heart of man get so hardened
on a wish that once was faint
now it’s pounding out a rhythm
how does the sinner dance with the saint

yet we find when the music ends
all we’re left with his a handful of friends

i want someone who knows me best
the sun always returns to the west
if there’s such a thing as love
what does it feel like when it’s true?

if there’s such a thing as love
is it how i feel for you?



sure, he’s simple
a one dimensional man
and all his letters
you understand

you want a guy
solid like stone
like he’s better off here

but i want to be temporary
until you make your mark on me
a fingerprint in wet cement
make me permanent

i don’t have a dream
to follow at all cost
i just dream of you
without you i am lost

none of my stories make sense
you are the missing ending
you want a real man
and i’m just pretending

say it again

speak to me the words that make me smile
the day is long and i am not prepared
to face the trouble; home’s so many miles
gimme some help to get there

finger in flour, your love on my heart
you touch me and leave an obvious mark
but sunset red, the last words you said
light me in the dark

say it again
say it again

birds are chirping, the sky is so blue
i used to say this was so cliche
but old emotion is always new
as we discover each new day

still i worry still i fear
tell me it will be alright
when you whisper it in my ear
a blind man gets his sight

without you

i can’t be your friend without wishing for your heart
i can’t hear you laugh without wanting to make you smile
i can’t speak your name without wanting to give you mine
i can’t bring you down without wishing i was driving you wild

i can’t hear your dreams without wanting to sing you to sleep
i can’t see your eyes without wanting to share the view
i can’t know you care without hoping for a chance
i can’t fall in love… without you

maybe that’s why it’s so hard to see you again
asking me if we could be friends
some wounds never mend

i can’t fall in love… without you


i stake my story on rumor of chance
if i am wrong i will fall and all break
for i know i’m ill equipped for romance
some guys don’t have what it takes

if every know that’s screamed in my ear
proves out to be the obvious plan
i’ll cradle the dream that i never did hear
i chose a lie and you chose another man

but david’s stone took goliath down
a bloody jawbone saved samson’s life
a baby boy wore heaven’s crown
so i hope you’ll be my wife

God is the God of what’s best for me
has He given me sight to see that it’s you?
or do i desire fruit from a tree
a dream best left untrue?

i write this like a man unguarded
drawn to danger, left to die
they say i’ll end up broken hearted
but for the sake of love i try

the party

the evening raced to midnight
now you sense each second pass
an awkward cough, an “i should go”
i goodbye on the grass

talelights fade behind the bend
you know this day is done
the lights are off, the door is locked
you don’t pick up the fun

it’s cluttered on the floor
like some old memory
you’ll clean up in the morning
for tonight just leave it be

lay your head down, drift to dream
stay anchored on the night
the words, the tone, the meaning
she will, she won’t …she might

did you make a fool of love
could see what you pretend
is this feeling finally real
or just another friend?