guess i’ll let you go

i’m keeping a straight face
i’m playing it cool
but you turn my strength
into the hope of a fool

how could you call me
with nothing to say
but i’m not admitting
you made my day

how are ya doing?
we can’t talk long
i’m glad you called
no, nothing wrong
i can’t let you know….
so i guess i’ll let you go

risk means reward, right?
when why do i lose?
i don’t sit on the shelf
waiting for you to choose

if i show you my heart
you’ll leave me alone
so i’m keeping these secrets
on my telephone

goodnight, christy

goodnight christy
wherever you are
out chasing falling stars

may God keep you
safe from harm
all wrapped up in His arms

goodnight, goodnight

blue eyes
blond hair
and your skin so fair

on your own
but you are not alone

hope seems lost

your kiss is sweet in mystery
to others, not unknown
i long to feel your softness
touch this heart of stone

like a whisper held in thunder
is my prayer under my tears
to keep me safe and searching
till you find me waiting here

it seems all hope is lost
but i don’t despair
i know God can hear my prayer

if we were meant to face our lives
together, hand in hand
then that makes clear emotions
i don’t yet understand

but i still seek the sun
here in my darkest hour
i will not test your love
on the pedals of a flower


it’s quite foolish of me to say
i have even hope to pray
for a miracle greater than splitting the sea
for God to drop her in love with me

but David saw giants and gathered some stones
Samson, surrounded, had just a jawbone
Daniel survived in that dark lion’s den
don’t get me started on Gideon

you have the power, you have the plan
you know the rib missing from each man
so i ask, Father, make her mine
if she’s not, send me a sign …unmistakable

she is bright lightning in my sky
heaven sent, sure, but why
for the beauty, the awe, for me to see
or to destroy like skin to electricity

i don’t know if she’s good or bad
just the best hope i ever had
oh how i want her, i have no chance
but, God, You can give me romance



i was never good at writing love songs
i didn’t really know how to feel
i never felt ready, or worthy i guess
i never thought my feelings were real

but i love you, yes, i know that now
i can’t resist or run away
thoughts of you are here in the morning
here at night when i kneel to pray

i am yours for the taking
yours for the breaking
yours no matter what you do
i’ll always love you

you walked a journey to get here
sometimes you followed, sometimes you led
as much as i try to protect you
sometimes you cried and you bled

my arms are open for you
i can’t pretend to resist
wrap yourself up in my adoration
know when in blink, for that instant, you are missed Continue reading

love song

love me so i can write a love song
they say to write what you know
so i write about pain

kiss me so i can write about you
a song to make people smile
instead of walk away

but i don’t know
why you treat me like you do
i don’t know
why i let you

miss me when i’m walking away
and when i get to the door
why don’t you beg me to stay

love me so i can write a love song
they say to write what you know
so this song is about pain

just stay

it’s a cold wind out, baby
just stay by the fire
it’s icing over, baby
just stay where it’s drier

baby, you don’t need to go
anyting can be postponed
put down the keys, please
don’t leave me all alone

just stay
and feel safe a little more
just stay
on this side of the door

theres wolves out tonight
stay where they can’t run
it’s dangerous out there
stay here untill they’re done

baby, what’s the rush?
we have the time to kill
tip the empty hourglass
until we have our fill

just stay
a minute, second more
just stay
on this side ofthe door

meant to be

you always had me i almost thought
we are just what we are not
only time can answer our questions
and i was fine not knowing till now

but we’re nothing but stuck in a traffic jam
you and i have always been right where i am
i don’t believe that i have to wait my turn
i don’t buy that you get just what you earn

cause maybe we’re meant to be
maybe you’re just afraid
i cannot walk away now
knowing you are the answer the prayer i prayed

i have to take a stand for you girl
cause if i let you go you’d take my world
you said we only own our choices
and now i’m choosing you

and if i were to never see the day
you and i got to fly away
it would be enough for me to go
to know that i loved you and i told you so

cause baby we’re meant to be
baby you’re just afraid
i cannot walk away now
knowing you are the answer the prayer i prayed

burning bush

“…I will go over and see this strange sight – why the bush does not burn up”
— Exodus 3:3

i’ve been kicking up sand on my journey
left to my past and my pain
in the heat of the day, i am moving
no direction, no voice, no shade

how many times have i wondered
how did i get myself here
when i chase down springs of water
the illusion dissapears

but hey, what’s the light?
never seen a glow so bright
i feel pulled and i feel pushed
toward that burning bush

we’ve been waiting for some sign
a message to share God’s will
holding up empty cups without
the faith to ask for a refill

everyone around is weak and they
rest on how they feel
we can’t explain the mystery
how God is silent and yet real

(there’s that girl…)

hey, she’s a light
never seen her glow so bright
i feel pulled and i feel pushed
toward that burning bush

what does a guy

here you are you’re complaining again
and i’ve heard it ALL before
but i stay – because i am a “friend”
and i – will never be anything more

another knight rode into your life
but he would not get off his horse
so you whine – oh how you want to be a wife
but things just cannot get much worse

well what does a guy have to do to make you see
what does a guy have to do to make you happy
there are more questions in your eyes
than can be answered by any guy

i want to ask you not to cry (please don’t cry)
but i can see you need a hug
you say all you want to know is why
all my wisdom i offer in a shrug

after the pity, you ask my advice
i say all but what i believe
cause you think i’m sweet and you think i’m nice
and i don’t want make you leave

well what does a guy have to do to make you see
what does a guy have to do to make you happy
there are more questions in your eyes
than can be answered my just any guy
but i’d like to try
i’d like to try