the match

baby don’t strike that match
you don’t want to light that flame

baby don’t talk that talk
unless you’re ready to walk away

baby can’t you see
can’t you see the way i feel

baby don’t burn this bridge just yet
don’t do something that you’re gonna regret
i’m not asking for much
lets just keep in touch
don’t burn these bridges

baby you struck that match
off my cheeck like a kiss

baby i’ve been betrayed
by the one i’m still gonna miss

baby don’t drop that match
i’ve stories you haven’t heard
i’ll say anything
won’t you give me the words

love makes fools

it’s a popular notion love won’t be denied
mothers tell daughters to wait for the tide
that washes over the walls of our doubt
and sweeps you away – it’ll happen some day

so girls wipe their eyes – escape under book covers
stories of pure and timeless lovers
in those pages – fantasy and lies
girls grow believing with hope in their eyes

it may never be
or it might be easy
but love will make fools of the wise

the wind-swept wasteland of the real world
wears down even the best of the bold
until we are hardened from some cold war
we needlessly fight in ourselves every night

i don’t believe any fairy tales
love may exist but grows old and stale
nothing can soften my mind made up heart
till i fall at the feet of the next girl i meet

it will never be
like i think it’ll be
falling in love makes fools of the wise

my girl

white stockings that stop at the knee
eyes and light up at the sight of me
laughs that are clear and sincere
whispered breaths against my ear

and a green dress with the tiniest stain
she points to it and always explains
and hair that dances along her face
and sways to the music of grace

and joy that shines through the sadness
and peace that withstands the madness
tears that fall with honesty
and hope for what is yet to be

and a smile that melts my day
when eveything doesn’t go my way
i will know her by these signs
i will know she will be mine

the hardest goodbye

she was turning right
i was waiting to turn left
i had to look away
to catch my breath

after all i’d been through
waking from a dream
still can’t shake the wish
ignore the feeling

cause she’s taught me much i could never know
lead’s me to places i could never go
she stole my heart when she caught my eye
she will be the hardest goodbye

i saw her follow through
on plans she’d made so young
and i won’t be there to hear
song dance off her tounge

she never chased desires
she surrendered to God’s hand
and now she is my reason
for following His plan



leaves fall at our feet like we’re kings
this walk takes us where we’ve never been
and as i look in your eyes i know…

i know that we will be happy
cause love like this never dies

seasons change but i stay the same
but summertime sends you away
but i know how it will go…

i know that we will be happy
when we’re tired of our separate ways

cold wind blows and the trees are bare again
a year since we walked down this road more than friends
it’s too cold to hope, still i wish…

i wish that i could be happy
but you’re all i think of love
i wish that i could be happy
but i’ve lost my only love

leaves fall at our feet like we’re kings
love like this never dies
love like mine will never die…

why it’s quiet

she leans forward and sighs
says, ‘there’s a hush in here’
i agree but silently
can’t think of a thing to say

if she has to blame someone
i guess i will take it
but i will fight from falling
into what she thinks i am

cause only one of us is keeping secrets
only one of us just can’t forget
we both know somethings wrong here
but only one of us knows why it’s quiet

she can’t start a conversation
she does not want to stay
‘please don’t go’ i whisper low
she doesn’t ask me what i said

deepest fear of hurting her
no, the worst fear she won’t care
why can’t i talk to her
when she runs her finger through her hair

worth the risk

i’ve love to speak my mind
but the thoughts won’t fit to words
syllables can’t express
the war torn scene in my head

on the one hand there’s a dream
a laugh like a melody
it seems so clear till you see
the other hand is reality

the only thing worse that letting her go
is keeping love secret so she won’t know
i’m so afraid i won’t see her again
it’s worth the risk of losing a friend

i’d love to open my heart
but it’s closed for a time to heal
maybe after all the repairs
you can tour the ruins restored

if only i could blurt it out
she’d fall back in her chair
and for a moment i can forget
that i don’t have a prayer

the only thing worse that letting her go
is keeping love secret so she won’t know
i’m so afraid i won’t see her again
it’s worth the risk of losing a friend

You’re Mine

phone in my hand i test the line
the tone means it works just fine
maybe my number is too hard to remember
maybe if i were more kind

i wanna be clear with what i say
i hint at “i’m lonely” and “please stay”
can’t you take the lead, offer what i need
i can’t ask you in an audible way

but if everyone has someone
that’s always true sometimes
if everyone has someone
you’re mine

i see you again and we smile
silence follows to get my riled
i practice a speech i know i’ll never say
and you’ve been listening all the while

i stumble around the subject and i fall
you find me forehead against the wall
you ask what’s wrong, i answer in song
hey what rhymes with why don’t you call

but if everyone has someone
that’s always true sometimes
if everyone has someone
you’re mine

so obvious

do i dare even open my mouth
to tell her she looks nice today
do i dare even open my mouth
i don’t know what to say

do i dare even look at her now
she can see through my lies
do i dare risk eye contact now
she can see the truth in my eyes

it must be – so obvious
it must be – so obvious
i’ve never been good at saying
just how i feel

do i dare share my heart
can i handle a no?
do i dare share a secret
that she surely already knows?

do i dare push her away
maybe it’s God’s plan
do i dare? no i can’t
she was meant for this man

it must be – so obvious
it must be – so obvious
i’ve never been good at saying
just how i feel

she sighs

romance novels in the afternoon
she’s wasting time and wishes
she tells herself maybe someday soon
she’ll find all she misses

the phone rings for her twice again
another friend is making plan
i start to dial and hang up and then
ask what she’d want with this man

and i know we all fall short of glory
she is closest in my eyes
but even when the sun in shining
she sighs

locked doors in the early night
i’m not going out there
i’d be lying if i said i might
be invited anywhere

i know where all my faults lie
don’t have to show me twice
how can she be flawed as i
when she always seems so nice

and i know we all fall short of glory
but she is closest in my eyes
even when the sun is shining
she sighs