
i’m useless
i’m sad and ashamed
i’d rather shed selfish tears
than speak Your name

but nothing around here
reminds me of You
taking a scapel to myths
i wanted to be true

but i won’t sing those songs
unless i mean amazing grace
but more than your voice
i want You to put me in my place

i’m thirsty, Lord
give me a taste (of the reason for pain) i’ll go on again
i’m thirsty, Lord
lift up my chin in this rain

i’ve heard it said before
thinking men get nothing done
when i finally find the will to fight
i find the enemies won

but i survive, and they look down
i’m all wrapped up in my hypocrisy
forgive me for falling so far
and taking Your name down with me

thank You for the drought
You knew a flood would have me think
that i deserve these gifts
when i’m just begging for a drink

overtake me

heaven, i’m hiding in the garden
ashamed of what i’ve given away
i’m only a slave to strong emotion
crouching in the darkness of day

drag me out to face You
for sins i can’t deny
but You call me, You invite me
You let me choose to lie

overtake me and break me
put me together again
overtake me and break me
put me together again

heaven, i’d running far from you
chasing the desires of my heart
i’m afraid that all the plans i made
won’t save me when we’re apart

i’ve come to think that it’s my way
to chase the passion calling me
but it’s you who’s whispering my name


i stake my story on rumor of chance
if i am wrong i will fall and all break
for i know i’m ill equipped for romance
some guys don’t have what it takes

if every know that’s screamed in my ear
proves out to be the obvious plan
i’ll cradle the dream that i never did hear
i chose a lie and you chose another man

but david’s stone took goliath down
a bloody jawbone saved samson’s life
a baby boy wore heaven’s crown
so i hope you’ll be my wife

God is the God of what’s best for me
has He given me sight to see that it’s you?
or do i desire fruit from a tree
a dream best left untrue?

i write this like a man unguarded
drawn to danger, left to die
they say i’ll end up broken hearted
but for the sake of love i try

carry you

they say you’re on the way
they say you’re near
it’s your first day
of your first year

we’ve been waiting
to watch you grow
to see you testing out your fingers
and curl those tiny toes

we’ll feed you and clothe you
and send you to school
we’ll fix your scraped knees
and your bicycle too
until you can wallk
we’ll carry you

so start a new story
this is chapter one
just imagine the work
that God’s begun

how far will you travel
where will you stay?
follow God where He leads you
you’ll be ok

he’ll guide you, beside you
he’ll be your rescue
he’ll fix broken hearts
if you only ask him to
and when it’s just to hard to walk
he’ll carry you


if i climbed to the highest
would you know my name
if i hid in the lowest
would you still see my shame?

if i cry cause i’m lonely
would you send a friend
if i tell her goodbye
will i see her again?

why waste my wonder
on the skies i live under
cause You’re tryin’ to teach
let go of what is out of Your reach

if i walked in the fire
could you cool the flames
if i fell to the lions
would you make them tame?

if i follow my heart
will it be my guide
if i fell from the path
will you know that i tried


if i walked away
would you not give chase
if i was lost in the would
could i find your grace

if i could step from this land
and shake off the dust
if i could wake in a dream
i would still need You, Jesus


i wake in dreams and weep for joy
my sight no hope could hold
i see bright streets with crowds in song
the end of my road so long
and pierced hands pull faith from doubt
to lead a child home

no shame of self, no sad looks back
clear streams wash the past off of me
a new sun dawns the land in gold
a child is led home…

by pierced hands.

Any Good

moses was a killer out on the lamb
he stunk of sheep in the desert heat
You came in a flame, the great I AM
and Your holiness washed under his feet

david, he was working out in the fields
while his brothers lined up to be king
You led him to a giant, led him to the throne
to God alone goes the glory

now i see why You choose losers
God, it’s not what i do
if any good be found in me, it’s You

you know peter tried, but got it wrong
he kept making promises he couldn’t keep
You know he denied, and he fell asleep
three 2nd chances, “if you love me, feed my sheep”

gideon, he was weakest – weakest in the land
but you called him to victory
still he had no skill, no steadfast will
to God alone be the glory

hope seems lost

your kiss is sweet in mystery
to others, not unknown
i long to feel your softness
touch this heart of stone

like a whisper held in thunder
is my prayer under my tears
to keep me safe and searching
till you find me waiting here

it seems all hope is lost
but i don’t despair
i know God can hear my prayer

if we were meant to face our lives
together, hand in hand
then that makes clear emotions
i don’t yet understand

but i still seek the sun
here in my darkest hour
i will not test your love
on the pedals of a flower


it’s quite foolish of me to say
i have even hope to pray
for a miracle greater than splitting the sea
for God to drop her in love with me

but David saw giants and gathered some stones
Samson, surrounded, had just a jawbone
Daniel survived in that dark lion’s den
don’t get me started on Gideon

you have the power, you have the plan
you know the rib missing from each man
so i ask, Father, make her mine
if she’s not, send me a sign …unmistakable

she is bright lightning in my sky
heaven sent, sure, but why
for the beauty, the awe, for me to see
or to destroy like skin to electricity

i don’t know if she’s good or bad
just the best hope i ever had
oh how i want her, i have no chance
but, God, You can give me romance


tonight i look back on my life
i think that you would like to see
me by the fire, out in the crowd
saying, “no, he aint’ with me”

because i cannot claim to be
someone who knows the truth
when i can’t even walk in your way
everyday of my life is proof

but You tatoo me
Your word in my heart
You tatoo me
we’ll never be apart
help me live up to
this tatoo

play the music, pull me offstage
i’ve done my damage to Your name
You let me hold up a banner for You
while i’m a slave to flesh and flame

so when i deny You, are You glad
You don’t have to speak for my sins?
but when i weep, You hold my hands
You know that i’ll do it again…