reason in the rain

thunder rolls inside of me
lightning flashes, i can’t see
what this storm is for

i’ve prayed the days gone by
please explain why it’s so dry
there must be something more

this is what i’ve prayed for
thank you, please take it away
cause all i see is the pain
show me the reason in the rain

the night’s alive and it is angry
again i’m asking “save me!”
give me the strength to wait longer

the clouds will pass, the sun will rise
i can imagine clear blue skies
but this storm…it’s making me stronger

speak to me

i’m waiting
for a surprise
watching for someone i’ve never seen

if you’re there
you hear my prayers
take me where i’ve never been

i know i can’t expect an answer
but i ask anyway

speak to me
in the voice that jonah heard
one so real
i obey – or run away

i’m tired
of holding my breath
i cannot force you to speak

what might be you
i’m able to
ignore for the message i seek

speak to me
in the voice that Jesus used
one so real
i obey – or run away


i say someday
i pray someway
i’ll be the one i’ve always claimed to be
i’ll be a slave who knows what it’s like to be set free

so i say “someday”

i don’t know – maybe tomorrow
you’ll show me – where i need to go

but, God, in my own little world
where all i can see is what You haven’t done for me
i don’t why You just dont reach down and say
“my child, here’s the way”

so i say “someday”

i pray someday
i’d follow your path
i’d stick with you
but i guess only You know what i’d do

someday i pray
You’ll give me a love

cause God in my own little world
where all i can see is just how lonely i am
i don’t see why i have to spend these days
just come down and be with me

but you say someday
You say One Day

better off

i automatically consider san antonio as God’s will simply because i actually moved here — which i guess is something of a miracle. but truth is i’m just terrified to think that this is just another mistake or dead end. but i may not be “better off”, but at least i’m asking…begging God for help instead of living in blind contentment.

now i understand
how way back then
they could run from what i’d embrace

i said they were fools
i still know it’s true
but now i’m one of them

cause i can’t deny – You brought me here
though the reason is not clear
and i can’t deny – You’re still behind
the blessing i can’t find

no i’m not better off
but i’m closer – to You

i had a smile
brought from earthly things
but they too soon turned to dust

now i’m struggling
with what i’m doing here
and the hardest thing is to trust

cause i blame You – You brought me here
and the reason is not clear
and i thank You – You still behind
me though i am so blind

no i’m not better off
but i’m closer – to You

All the Answers


why don’t i love my parents like a used to
why don’t i just do what i’m supposed to

why must this world spin on despite my cry for pause
where does God’s grace collide with God’s laws

oh – i don’t have all the answers
but i have all the answers i need

why don’t i don’t have friends like everyone’s supposed to
why can’t i just learn to trust in You

why must my prayers feel like they don’t leave my room
how long can one wait for someday soon

oh – i don’t have all the answers
but i have all the answers i need

what can she teach me that i don’t already know
what could be waiting in San Antonio

wanna give it away

there are whispers in the daylight
saying revolution starts tonight
so watch the sun slowly sink down
and forever change this town

my friends rage into the world
with a song or with the girls
and creation seems to click
for God’s chosen picks

but i just want to give it away
every choice and ever chance
release my tomorrows to the one who can see
trusting God will lead me – home

some people beg my advice
but i’m ready to roll the dice
i know that life could be good
if i just do what i should

tears are useless – this i know
they never show me where to go
yeah, i’ll have to choose someday
but God’s will can make a way

inspiration for another day

what can i say more than thank you?
how can i pay back with sound?
You’ve given me what i can keep
and forever follow round

a photograph on the inside of me
a stil picture of what my life could be
and when i’m sick of the disease
you offer me the remedy

what i can’t find in the times
what i’ve lost along the way
YOu are what can be mine
inspiration for another day

why do i rise but to meet you
what is my breath but your name
every thought meant to please
ever word to fuel the flame

to only see that i’m unworthy
it lends all the more to our gaze
and to know a love so pure
it leads my weak heart to praise

what i can’t find in the times
what i’ve lost along the way
you are what can be mine
inspiration for another day

stronger than destiny

won’t you tell me why
the world wants to fall
the apple’s off the tree
we’ve swallowed it, seeds and all

oh we think that we’re better than Adam
cause we’ve lived and learned
we’ve climbed so high, yet
we’re still destined to burn

cause feel the chest man, one rib short
woman feel the pain
this child that we’re birthing
oh we dare not speak his name

but i know – someone
stronger – than what we’ve done
He’s stonger than tragedy
stronger than our destiny

won’t you tell me why
we’re pretend we’re doing fine
we can’t turn off the tears
by closing our eyes

everything we celebrate
is turning on its fans
every cheer we send up calls
for the end of man

so don’t look so shocked
when the fire lights the sky
cause nothing is so flammable
as this society’s lies

my sacrifice

i can’t gather my gold
melt down and mold it
into an altar from sin
that you’re fire burns in

i can’t cut down the tree
carve a place out for thee
a place to burn and tell
that you’re pleased by the smell

sure, left to my own device
i’d come up with some sacrifice
but what do i need to do
the offering was You
Jesus, You alone could pay that price
so i claim You – my sacrifice

i can’t wear a priest’s robe
wipe blood on my earlobe
all to show that i’m worthy to
just talk to You

i can’t lead the ram to die
for my sake hear it cry
twist the heads off the turtledoves
just to prove my love

i can’t gather my gold
melt down and mold it
into an altar from sin
that Your fire burns in



well Jonah had his whale
and Elijah had Your fire
Joseph had a dream
and David Your desire

Solomon had wisdom
immorality for Enoch
Sara had a laugh
and David had his rocks

looking back i can see Your hand
through this time – across this land
all these random incedents
leave no room for coincidence

You know Israel found Your favor
the shepherd found his lamb
Abram found the courage
then he found the ram

Moses had Your wonders
Saul he had the crown
but You knew he’d only
rise to let You down


Ezra had the wall
after he swallowed the wine
babylon had it all
and they still got a sign

isaac had a blind date
with a woman from a well
samson had a secret
delilah had the spell

paul he saw Your glory
shining in the sky
peter used betrayal
till a rooster made him cry

i’ve had my problems
livin’ just like You
but still you forgive
like only You can do.