beggars and choosers


if beggars can’t be choosers
how can i let you go?
i’ve never heard a yes but i’m
so quick to tell you no

for what? just a shadow i chase
a fantasy i’ve seen on tv
i’m starving but i’m passing on
what you put in front of me

i’m sorry maybe more than i know
but i’ve got to see where this road ends
so hate me if you have to
but i’m just gonna be your friend


i’m only naive
that’s what i thought you’d say
i don’t know the truth
so you explain it all away

but i think you’re too special
never let them say you’re plain
don’t buy love with lying down
pleasure only shadows pain

wrap yourself in promises
a gift for someone true
and wait for love to lead him
hopelessly fallen for you

why does he love

she stands on the corner shouting his name
he used to run his fingers through her hair
she’s made her choice to be a whore
and he tells himself not to care

’cause if he turns to face her calling
it won’t matter how sincere
he knows that eventually
she’ll end up right back here

so why does he lay down his heart to break?
why does he love for lovings sake?
he made a promise and every day he makes it true
maybe one day, maybe she’ll love him too

he adores the memories
the first laugh, the innocent kiss
he knows that sometimes
she forgets that he exists

she still says that she needs him
shows up drunk at his front door
he knows she’s only lonely
like a thousand times before

the hiss of a drowning fire

she finally found a reason to dig out her magazines
every scrap that she has saved since she turned 14
now the last 10 years are narrowed to 10 days
to put a check by the only plan she’s made

all her friends are coming so i guess i won’t be there
i still think i love her; not enough to show i care
i won’t see the dress or have to shake his hand
i won’t kiss her cheek, leave her lips for another man

she’ll end up unhappy
in some run down trailer park
and i will be the memory
she clings to in the dark

the articles she’s read tell her how to love
he says he’ll stay even when push comes to shove
if he lays a hand on her i hope she runs away
my door is always open – if she wanted she could stay

but for now she’s gonna
find a borrowed blue
and tell herself her dreams are coming true


i’m out for proof that you still care
i’d settle for knowing that you’re there
i wish you’d send a sign
i don’t want to doubt you

so i guess my faith is so weak
i must beg you to speak
all you offer me are words
i’ve never really heard you

if you’re everything they say you are
you know the secrets of my heart
the things i mean but cannot say
thank God you never run away

am i too smart to believe
you’re a possibility?
are my eyes so blind to see
what you’ve done for me?

if you made me i’d obey
i would be a fearful slave
but i’d never choose to
love you

fake it

kiss me
like you don’t believe in history
like all the times before meant nothing
next to just one more

i told you
i told you i needed you
tell me i will never fail
and there’s some truth in fairy tales

but i don’t wanna listen to the radio
i don’t want to fight
i don’t want you to go
stay right here, we can make it
and if you don’t love me anymore
fake it.

you make me
you make me dream of daring schemes
i do not
expect to win half the battles i begin

it’s over
except for the leaving and the crying
but i said
i said ‘always’ and i was not lying

but i don’t wanna listen to the radio
i don’t want to fight
i don’t want you to go
stay right here, we can make it
and if you don’t love me anymore
fake it.


oh my dear amanda
they’re sending me to war
and no one can remind me
what we’re fighting for

do you get these letters?
i don’t get your replies
i fear i may not write again
today i might die

i’m not good with a rifle
i’ve never swung a sword
i only hope it is the same
with the men i’m marching toward

we have to take that city
our they say our homes will fall
a man can’t choose the day he dies
only answer when it calls

oh amanda i’ll return
until then i hope you pray
for my life, for my soul
if i don’t survive the day

i must go, the battle’s starting
i can hear the cannon’s sound
but darling, if you get this letter
i mailed it from that town

i was wrong

i heard you’re getting married
you don’t want me to know
i heard you’re getting married
you don’t want me to go

’cause you think that i still love you
so afraid of what i’ll say
yeah you know that i still love you
so it’s best i stay away

but i won’t make this long
i’ll just say i was wrong
when i said we were meant to be

i’m sorry.

the distraction

acting embarrassed, you entered the room
but every guy noticed like you wanted him to
so hot air conditioner turned on
you move like wind – quickly gone

a couple of guys were elbowed in the ribs
but they said, “darling, i don’t find her attractive!”
even the trees bend to give you shade
and for once this concrete was glad it got laid

you’re not the kind of girl boys take home
more like the kind of girl they follow

only one to blame

she wept upon my shoulder
she whispered in my ear
i saw the oceans swelling
in her tears

she hugged me and she warned me
she’d never feel the same
i took the touch over the truth
i am the only one to blame.