if it were up to me

i don’t know why
you’re lonely tonight
if it were up to me
you’d be happy

they say that you need to trust
they say it like it’s easy
but i know how hard it is
to believe

they say gettin’ all you want
won’t make you happy in the end
but what if all you want
is to be happy with a friend?


watch the water claim the valley
hear all the rainmaker’s brag
we finally got what we asked for
now we can’t give it back

like a scar on young skin
we will pay for our mistakes
thunder rumbles
as the last time crumbles

nature is more thief than giver
another town joins the river

overtake me

heaven, i’m hiding in the garden
ashamed of what i’ve given away
i’m only a slave to strong emotion
crouching in the darkness of day

drag me out to face You
for sins i can’t deny
but You call me, You invite me
You let me choose to lie

overtake me and break me
put me together again
overtake me and break me
put me together again

heaven, i’d running far from you
chasing the desires of my heart
i’m afraid that all the plans i made
won’t save me when we’re apart

i’ve come to think that it’s my way
to chase the passion calling me
but it’s you who’s whispering my name

paper airplanes

i wrote a song, it starts off ‘i love you’
but i don’t know who to send it to
i’ve always traded my heart away
to anyone who promised to stay

but they never do, they leave me alone
with a blaring tv and a silent phone
i make excuses like paper airplanes
they don’t really work, they just drift away

does everyone face these these fears?
walk around hiding their tears?
is life really what we make it?
can i fake it?

they want to see smiles, and i should pretend
after all, the truth is a hurtful friend
if you make me laugh, you make me glad
but i can’t fix you when your sad

is there some place for those who still care
who feel the pain of others despair
for those who wait for love’s sweet glow
to find them, hold them let them know…

be who i am

i think of you when i’m lonely
when i have a story to tell
i could always get a laugh from you
like water from a well

wrap my words around you
like a blanket keep you warm
hold my love over your head
like shelter from the storm

but i need you…to hold my hand
and say it’s ok…if i don’t understand
i need you to whisper “i love you”
i need you be….who i’ve been for you

the lover and the loser
both can be a fool
with a shiny prize
we overlook the rules

i never thought it was game
until you did not want to play
i never knew till know
i can’t get back what i gave away

tell me what’s wrong

you’ll have to try harder to hold me
i’m getting better at running away
i cannot see how it all works out
i don’t believe a thing that you say

if i am special, then i’m rare
and that makes me harder to find
but i’ve been picked up and put down
i have been left behind

tell me something that i know to be true
say i’m broken and i don’t know what to do
i want to believe you
so tell me what’s wrong…..with me

like old Rip Van, i’m up and confused
i feel a hope that beaten and bruised
still i slip it on with a big grin
no matter what i’m holding in

you would shoot in like the sunshine
you’d convince me to see everything bright
now it’s a fake, tired old line
your more of a flourescent light

you know

i think i’ve stayed up too late tonight
all my fears echo round in my head
i’m lonely, so lonely
but all of my friends are in bed

so i’m sending this weak prayer
with my face buried in my hands
everyone’s gone away from me
God i hope you understand

You know…. how it feels

sometimes this world gets mean to me
and it feels like more than i can take
i open, open up my heart
only to have it break

in my selfishness
i don’t know if you’ll get this
but i leaned in
for the goodbye kiss

i hope you understand
what it’s like to be a man…

you know.



bittersweet is the day
sunshine with a shadow
this is time for a smile
but we can’t stop for sorrow

and i have no words to rise above
the feelings, my love
i dont know what to say
so won’t you pray
i’m not ok

laughter covers the silence
we find excuses to talk away
i’m left here with my bags packed
and the urge to stay


we’ve reached the end of our conversation
any more words would be wasted on you
because if i say anything
you won’t believe it’s true

i’m tired of not being trusted
don’t be afraid of me
i’m asking you to run away from somewhere
you have no reason to be

anything i say
you throw away
as obligated

i think you’re beautiful, yes, yes i do
i’m sorry i don’t make you feel that way
but if you believe i would lie to you
i’ve got nothing more to say

i love you, you’ll just have to deal with that
take it or leave it, it will not die
but the only thing you seem to believe
is when i say goodbye