
every morning i’ve stood at this open door
to watch the sun rise and reveal the empty day
train my eyes at the start of the sky
when i look for you who went away

they say i’m foolish for waiting
and hope’s a hard habit to break
they say i don’t look for you
it’s just my routine of being awake
eventually i go back inside
with excuses i have to believe
though each do i fight harder
to wait instead of grieve

this morning i won’t find you
it feels like pain to close the door
until you wrap your arms around me
you’re worth waiting for


Jesus, a name a rarely use
this is that cliche beg for Your hand
i read Your touch brings healing
i don’t really understand

if Your hands, then part of the body
aren’t we all your flesh and bone?
send someone to hold me
i cannot mend if alone

my days hold no assurance
my heart no hope to burn
like fuel to reach my goal
Jesus, i don’t know where to turn

in faith that is not free of doubt
i ask for Your peace, for a friend
i’ll wait here trapped by fear
for the rescue You will send


i don’t think you really know
all the ways your live could go
i know it’s not my place to say
but don’t give yourself away

your laughter is addictive
it’s a drug that only you can give
guys are lined up to be your clown
but we’ll only let you down

what if what you think is love is only a tragic game?
what if what you’re after is more than a last name?
keep looking…

and you’re beautiful you know
lie down and we’ll tell you so
words are a cheap disguise
don’t listen to our lies



you died somewhere overe dallas
the sky was so clear that day
as we wept it hid itself
behind a mournful gray

so now we pick up the pieces
will they help us understand?
you were born to fly
in death, never to land

as the sun dips to kiss the west
and the east slides into shadow
we here who are left
wonder why you had to go


sure you can beat me, you’re bigger and stronger
sure you can find me, i hide – you wait longer
and will quick bolts from ominous skies
you can send me to pay for each one of my lies

sure you can show yourself in this place
in order i’d have to fall dead on my face
you can be the king, make me behave
with one word you can make me your slave

but are you lonely
without me?

sure i can scream at empty blue skies
beg for a sign with tears in my eyes
like a child not getting his way
i can try to hurt you with the words i say

i can laugh at what i’ve done
wasted all night waiting for the sun
but could i learn to live with the feeling
like i’m broken with no hope of healing

the hiss of a drowning fire

she finally found a reason to dig out her magazines
every scrap that she has saved since she turned 14
now the last 10 years are narrowed to 10 days
to put a check by the only plan she’s made

all her friends are coming so i guess i won’t be there
i still think i love her; not enough to show i care
i won’t see the dress or have to shake his hand
i won’t kiss her cheek, leave her lips for another man

she’ll end up unhappy
in some run down trailer park
and i will be the memory
she clings to in the dark

the articles she’s read tell her how to love
he says he’ll stay even when push comes to shove
if he lays a hand on her i hope she runs away
my door is always open – if she wanted she could stay

but for now she’s gonna
find a borrowed blue
and tell herself her dreams are coming true


i’m out for proof that you still care
i’d settle for knowing that you’re there
i wish you’d send a sign
i don’t want to doubt you

so i guess my faith is so weak
i must beg you to speak
all you offer me are words
i’ve never really heard you

if you’re everything they say you are
you know the secrets of my heart
the things i mean but cannot say
thank God you never run away

am i too smart to believe
you’re a possibility?
are my eyes so blind to see
what you’ve done for me?

if you made me i’d obey
i would be a fearful slave
but i’d never choose to
love you


i’m noah
except it never did rain
i wasted my time on the ark
locked inside it everyday
i only hope when the sky goes dark
friends say i’m not helping anything
by refrusing to move on
but i lose more than a girl
if i admit that i was wrong

and hope does not get weaker when it should
and love is never fair
all the time i spent building this
disappears into dry air

could i find a reason to hate her?
blame for a broken heart
no, she never did anything to me
and i think that’s the worst part


you believed in happy endings
all the movies say it’s true
and once upon a time
she’ll fall in love with you

you never were the one she wanted
you tried to be someone she’d need
you wrote the perfect letters
you realize now she’ll never read

what will you write about now?
there’s nothing left for you
hope is nowhere to be found
all the movies said
won’t come true.

hate my life

i hate my life, i hope it never changes
pause it here and we’ll call it even
i don’t wanna watch another love leaving

it’ll be better. someday i’ll look back
and wonder why i was so afraid
to leave the mess
leave the mess i have made

i’ve become complacent
such a disappointment
how much can i take?
how much can i take?
before i break