
every morning i’ve stood at this open door
to watch the sun rise and reveal the empty day
train my eyes at the start of the sky
when i look for you who went away

they say i’m foolish for waiting
and hope’s a hard habit to break
they say i don’t look for you
it’s just my routine of being awake
eventually i go back inside
with excuses i have to believe
though each do i fight harder
to wait instead of grieve

this morning i won’t find you
it feels like pain to close the door
until you wrap your arms around me
you’re worth waiting for

Any Good

moses was a killer out on the lamb
he stunk of sheep in the desert heat
You came in a flame, the great I AM
and Your holiness washed under his feet

david, he was working out in the fields
while his brothers lined up to be king
You led him to a giant, led him to the throne
to God alone goes the glory

now i see why You choose losers
God, it’s not what i do
if any good be found in me, it’s You

you know peter tried, but got it wrong
he kept making promises he couldn’t keep
You know he denied, and he fell asleep
three 2nd chances, “if you love me, feed my sheep”

gideon, he was weakest – weakest in the land
but you called him to victory
still he had no skill, no steadfast will
to God alone be the glory

just missed her

coincidence took me through my past
now the houses are old and the traffic’s too fast
so i pulled into our goodbye driveway
to see if i could slow time down someway

engine off, i still grip the wheel
like it’s a bumpy ride across all i feel
but i’d gone so far, so far now some how
could not just pull away again now

soft knock on the familiar screen
a glimpse of way back midst the changes i’d seen
but a stranger stood in front of me
sayin’ he wasn’t buying anything

but then i gave him your name he said
‘i’m sorry, you just missed her
can i give her a message
when she gets back from her sisters?’

oh the years came back to me then
standing on the porch of a distant friend
how could i fit all the years
into words that would fill your ears

should i leave my number or not
try to ignite what time forgot
should i tell him our long story
and end it with I’m sorry?

i just gave him my name and said
‘tell her i just missed her’
then i turned and walked away
leaving us in history

Aisle Over

alarm clock bell to bell
just another day under my belt
sure I pause now and then
to think of how God must have felt

to send His son
the sacrifice of Jesus
oh but they knew what lie ahead
and I am so envious

but I can’t just hold God’s plan
and wave it like a four leaf clover
when I won’t see my whole destiny
could be one aisle over

well i never knew his name
but i sure had my thoughts
a first sight judgment
i had him pegged on the spot

i knew he would be there
always askin’ why
tonight i sit surprised
I didn’t expect him to die

i can say he wouldn’t change
he’d be dead anyway
even if i’d spoken up
God i wish i would speak up

but I can’t ignore God’s plan for me
pull off the four leaves of clover
and i can’t see my destiny
was sitting one aisle over

his empty chair is haunting
i should have told him “hi”
cause now more than ever
i wish i’d said, “Goodbye”

A Small God

during the forest fires in Mexico, May of ’97 – aggieland was
blanketed in a dark heavy fog – driving home one day i noticed
the sun looked very much like a full moon.

passion burns
in the land to the south
and the smoke is chokin’ me dead

it rolled into town
just yesterday
and found a home in my head

this thick blanket
keeps me warm
but it’s the middle of june

so i’m kickin’ it off
to greet the dawn
but the sun looks more like the moon

i know that my God is big enough to fear
but how can He be small enough to hear
that i’m needing some change to change my mind
cause i’m thinking of leaving it all behind
and i’m lying when i say that i’m just fine

armies with no flags
are massing at my borders
i’m fighting an unseen war for law and order

i don’t need to know their homes
to know what they want with me
i offer as a living sacrifice to the God I also cannot see

i know that my God is big enough to fear
but how can He be small enough to hear
that i’m needing some peace to peace my mind
and i’m thinking of leaving it all behind
and i’m lying when i say that i’m just fine

einstein to a child


don’t try to teach me
i’ve got nothing to learn
got everything figured out
got knowledge to burn
there’s nothing you could say
that i don’t already know
so don’t waste your words on me
feel free to go
what’s that you say you love me
well i can’t believe my ears
you say you want to help / heal me
and wipe away my tears

it’s like mozart to a deaf man
it’s like eistein to a child
i do not know why you do what you do
but sometimes it makes me smile
you tell me that you love me
i sure don’t know why
but i choose to believe so come
and save my life

i don’t know why you love me
can’t because i’m worthy
i don’t deserve it because
of what i have and haven’t done

i could spend my whole life
pondering till i knew
that the only thing that matters is
you do
what’s that you say you love me
well that’s music to my ears
you say you want to help / heal me
and wipe away my tears

it’s like mozart to a deaf man
it’s like eistein to a child
i do not know why you do what you do
but sometimes it makes me smile
you tell me that you love me
i sure don’t know why
but i choose to believe so come
and save my life